HarvestCraft Wiki
Raw Fish

Raw Fish

HarvestCraft added many new fish to the world that can be obtained through using a fishing rod in water or the Water Trap and Fish Bait.

In 1.10 Raw Tofish  was added as a meat substitute to Raw Fish.

In 1.7.10 Firm Tofu can substitute for raw and Cooked Fish



Raw Fish can be smelted in a furnace to create Cooked Fish EXCEPT! Calimari, Clam, Crab, Crayfish, Frog, Octopus, Scallop, Shrimp, Snail, and Turtle which become individual cooked items.

Jellyfish are simply put into a crafting grid to yield slime balls.

In Version 1.7.10 the Oven is available to replace the Furnace


Raw Fish can be combined with other ingredients to create:
