HarvestCraft Wiki
Ground Trap

Ground Trap

The Ground Trap is a machine used to generate various (land) animal products such as meat without slaughtering animals. The trap uses Animal Baits and generates different animal products depending on the bait used.

Baits included:

Empty Grid
Grid Fruit Bait
Empty Grid
Grid Veggie Bait
Empty Grid
Grid Grain Bait

The Animal Trap was renamed to Ground Trap in version 1.10. Animal Baits and Machines such as traps do not currently exist in Harvestcraft 2.


Crafting GUI
Ground Trap


Each bait will give several different loots and 5 of the same loots, as seen in the table below:

Bait Name Loots
Empty Grid
Grid Fruit Bait
Fruit Bait Empty Grid
Grid Raw Rabbit
Empty Grid
Grid Rabbit's Foot
Empty Grid
Grid Rabbit Hide
Empty Grid
Grid Leather
Empty Grid
Grid Feather
Empty Grid
Grid Egg
Empty Grid
Grid Bone
Empty Grid
Grid Raw Chicken
Empty Grid
Grid Veggie Bait
Veggie Bait Empty Grid
Grid Raw Venison
Empty Grid
Grid Raw Mutton
Empty Grid
Grid Raw Porkchop
Empty Grid
Grid Grain Bait
Grain Bait Empty Grid
Grid Raw Turkey
Empty Grid
Grid Raw Beef
Empty Grid
Grid Raw Duck

How to use[]

To use the Ground Trap, place the crafted trap in the ground touching at least one earth block on each side where at least one of these four earth blocks is touching an additional earth block on the opposite side. Together with the earth blocks, this formation creates a horizontal cross of 4 blocks long and 3 blocks wide. Not all modded colored earth blocks will work - so if your trap should be working and doesn't, try to replace any modded earth blocks around it with vanilla earth blocks.


Right Click to access the GUI and insert one of the three types of Bait. The type of animal products depends on the bait used.

Working Ground Trap


Using hoppers, bait can be inserted into the top of the trap and loot can be extracted from the bottom.

See Also[]
