HarvestCraft adds a large variety of Crops, where vanilla Minecraft only has a few. Not only does HarvestCraft add Trees that bear Fruit, Nuts, or Bark (ex: Cinnamon, Paper, Maple Syrup) that can be harvested, it also adds Fruit, Grains, and Vegetables that can be found in Gardens and replanted when crafted into Seeds on farmland. As of v1.12.2zc, all edible crops restore 1 () hunger.
There are currently 129 crops in this mod. 83 ground crops and 67 trees.
All un-craftable and craftable Seeds, saplings, and animal spawn eggs can be purchased from the Market.
Most crops can be planted as is, however, for some you need to craft Seeds by placing the crop in your crafting grid. One crop item will give one Seed.