The center left slot is the input slot for the Bee Queen. To the right are the output slots.
Placing a Queen Bee in the Apiary will cause it to (very slowly, over time) produce Honeycombs, Waxcombs and Bee Grub, which can be processed into Honey and Beeswax using the Presser. Bee grub can also be cooked and eaten. Placing flowers near it can lessen the amount of time it takes for Queen Bees to produce items.
It can be automated by putting Queen Bees in the top and the sides and the output is at the bottom to output Waxcomb, Honeycomb, and Bee Grub. It's possible to put this in a loop so you don't have to put the new Queen Bee in each time.
Along with Animal Baits and the other Machines, including Traps, the Apiary too does not exist in Harvestcraft 2 as of yet.
The Apiary can be made with 3 Item Frames down the middle and any type of wood planks on the sides.
Name | Ingredient(s) | Recipe |
Waxcomb | Queen Bee | |
Honeycomb | ||
Bee Grub |